Looking for some fresh new looks for spring? I love bright colors and fun accessories for my spring and summer fashion. Here’s some great outfit ideas that are all with items from Goodwill:

Maybe you’re looking for some POP in your outfit! These ones will definitely leave an impression:

I liked the white pants look, so I decided to use them for another outfit. Here’s what I was able to find:

If you’re not a fan of the slippers look, I found a few things to dress it up!

What other bright colors should I use for spring and summer fashion? I love that it’s so easy to find cute items at Goodwill! You should check it out! You wouldn’t believe how many stories that I hear from people who stopped in, and ended up finding great stuff! Such a great way to reuse items, and gives clothes a new life! Visit meetgoodwill.org for all of the details, locations and more information. It is an organization that does incredible things! Love you all!