Okay, I know, I know, everyone is probably playing Christmas music already, but I am still holding onto fall. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite! Anything that involves pie is my favorite! But for real, I love the idea of being grateful and a holiday that gives me a perspective about what’s important. Anyway, I made a fun framed wreath to spice up my mantle and make it a little more “thanksgiving-ish”. Here’s how I did it.
Since all fall items are on sale right now, I bought these three bags of pumpkins for $10 total at Joanns. I found similar ones here and here.
I had this frame from Ikea. It’s like 8 years old. ? There used to be fabric stapled to it, but it’s been in my garage for a while now. You can find a similar one here. You could also just glue pieces of wood into a square, or use an old frame.
Okay I am so sorry, but I forgot to take a picture of this step, but I lightly stained the frame. Same stain that I used for this project.
I didn’t have anything for backing on the frame, so I cut up an amazon box. I just traced the frame and cut it out.
I had this very old curtain from Goodwill that I just cut the fabric from, to put over the cardboard. You could use any old fabric or cheap linen.
You can tell that I was lazy and didn’t use my fabric scissors. ? I also doubled the fabric
The staples from my staple gun were way too big and punched through everything, so a regular stapler worked perfectly!
All done!
Then, I used my actual staple gun to attach it to the back of the frame. Ta-da! Done! Now I just need to add the pumpkins!
I used an embroidery hoop to trace the circle because I have never been able to free hand a perfect circle!
I ended up not using the pear or squash in the bag and just wanted the pumpkins.
I then just hot glued the pumpkins to the circle. No real pattern.
I wanted to add a little something extra, so I glued a sign that I bought a few years ago from the Target dollar spot. I liked it by itself, but wanted it to be more Thanksgiving themed.
I hot glued ribbon to the back and hung it up! There it is all done!
I like how it all came together and turned out!
Looks great on my mantle with this garland and this garland. I added pops of blue to match the “Give Thanks” sign, and to transition into winter.
So what do you think about the pumpkin wreath?! Now’s the best time to buy faux pumpkins for cheap! You’ll have adorable decor for next year. What do you think of the blue? Too non-traditional? If you make something please let me know! I love seeing all that you’re making! Love you all!
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2 thoughts on “Easy DIY Pumpkin Wreath”
Wow, this was usefull. Keep writing this kind of posts, you will get a lot of people to this post if you continue writing this.
Wow, this was awesome. Keep writing this kind of posts, you will get a lot of people to this post if you continue doing this.
Wow, this was usefull. Keep writing this kind of posts, you will get a lot of people to this post if you continue writing this.
Wow, this was awesome. Keep writing this kind of posts, you will get a lot of people to this post if you continue doing this.