So I bought an amazing $5 table but I had no chairs! I am a cheapskate(ahem, I mean thrifty), so I decided to look at different thrift stores. These are a pretty standard model of chair and they were everywhere! I found the first three grey ones for $1 each at Goodwill! I went back to that same Goodwill after two weeks and found the two white ones for $5 each. I was so excited! They were ugly but they had so much potential!

I didn’t take pictures of the actual chairs but I did a thorough sanding and priming. Here’s what I used:

I then bought this paint from Home Depot and used my paint sprayer to paint these and here’s the result:
I also stained the table and I’m so happy with the results!
What so you think of the color? I think I might tone it down a little if I ever paint them again. Do you agree? Hope that you like them. Do you have chairs that you’re looking at or working on? I’d love to hear about it! Love you all!