Remember this wreath that I made here? After finding a good use for my flowers, I wanted to use the cute wooden box!
Here’s what I started with:

It was only $2!
I used the broken wood flowers to make this spring wreath:

So I had to take those flowers out for the wreath, and all that was left was the box:

So far so good…
The wood tone was going to clash with my shelves so I painted it white:

And here it is after:
Doesn’t it look cute?!
It matches my bathroom perfectly.
Just one more look at the shelves:
Since I already had the paint and flowers, this cost me nothing. I love that I was able to find a good use for the box! What do you think about it? Was it a bad move to paint the box? I was thinking of adding more decorative detail to the box, what do you think? Will it be too much? I love that you stopped by and hopefully you are getting some ideas of your own! Love you all!
[…] I ended up using the box for my bathroom decor that you can see here. […]